a little brighter Xmas I would like to thank you for being able to send the posters to me. I received them today. It will definitely make Xmas a little brighter. It is truly appreciated.
All the best this holiday season!!!
Ardeh, | Beautiful job. Beautiful job. I made this as a gift, and hate to give it away.
Susan, Calgary | Thanks for your assistance I now have all custom boards/panels. They are beautifully sized and constructed. I so appreciate that you included wire and hanging devices. A bonus, for sure!
It was a bit harried at first. I needed to head to the San Francisco DHL warehouse to get a box that was never delivered!!! Still, all is well that ends well.
Thank you for all of your assistance. I hope to do business with you in the future.
Mahsa, | Quality paiting I got the painting on Friday. Its beautiful: Perfect size, beautiful contrast of colors, great attention to detail, filled with areas of perfection and imperfections. The more I see the painting the more I fall in admiration for it. The painter has made her smile beautiful and realistic .
Thank you for the painting and thank you for being patient with me.
Shahraam, |